Kolping Care for the Elderly, Vienna
- Application areas: Office area, storage area, living units (mother & child area), external doors, plant room doors, drugs cabinets
- System administration: eLOCK Center Enterprise
- Locking cylinders: 166
- Comfort systems: 15
- Half cylinders: 28
- Credentials: 150 identity keys
- Service partner: TECHSEC GesmbH, Austria

Society for Services in Old Age (GDA) mbH Wohnstift in Hannover
- Series: OPERTIS eLOCK EM and OPERTIS ES5000plus
- Software: eLOCK Center Enterprise
- Installation: Multi-user installation with a central database at the main administration offices in Hanover
- System administration: Decentralised, in-house by the individual homes
- Clients: 6 (5 eLOCK EM, 1 ES5000plus)
- Wall scanners: Online Plus
- Cylinders: 1,900
- Credentials: 2,600 as keys
- Service partner: Adolf Garbe GmbH & Co. KG

OBC Suisse Zurich
- Application areas: External doors, storey doors, office doors, conference rooms, elevator
- System administration: eLOCK Center Enterprise
- Double-knob cylinders: 2
- Comfort systems: 80
- Wall scanners: 8
- Wall scanner terminals: 2 in both locations at Zurich and Basel These give the option of administering transponder cards centrally and also being able to programme them or modify them at any time locally.
- Credentials: 300
- Service partner: ENEXA AG Kloten