Alongside the door components and transponders, the system administration is one of the significant components of an OPERTIS eLOCK locking system. The clearly structured software greatly simplifies the administration of the locking system.
eLOCK offers various overviews and tools:
- A locking system plan for a quick overview of the locking system. This is created through the system-specific software.
- Wizards for various program steps
- Import and export functions for clear data administration
- ToDo lists for programming. Programming of the door components and transponders is done through the corresponding programming tools.
eLOCK Software
eLOCK eXpert software
For the administration, control and programming of one or more different eLOCK eXpert locking systems. The transponders and door components are programmed through the NFC stick. Alternatively, door components can be programmed through the ToDo card; online door components over the computer network. Optionally, transponders can be updated through wall scanner terminals. For installation on server, PC or tablet.
Software licences are activated as needed:
- Smart Office licence (basic version)
- Office Plus licence
- Multi User licence
- Ticketing licence
- Online licences
eLOCK eXpress software
For the administration, control and programming of one or more different eLOCK eXpress locking systems through multiple PCs or tablets. The transponders and door components are programmed through the NFC stick. Alternatively, door components can be programmed through the ToDo card. For installation on PC or tablet.
eLOCK EM software
For the administration, control and programming of one or more different eLOCK EM locking systems. Transponders can be programmed either centrally through a programming station, directly at the PC or decentralised through a wall scanner terminal. Depending on the door components deployed, they are programmed either online through the LAN module or offline through data exchange over a PDA.
The software, which is for server or PC installation, offers various ways of viewing and editing relevant data such as lists, tree structures or a locking system plan. It also offers import, export and inherit functions, wizards, multi-level authorisation procedures, comprehensive reporting, and much more.
The following versions are available:
- Basic
- Professional
- Enterprise

License card 250
Transponder card with 250 OPERTIS eLOCK transponder licences for storing transponder licences and transferring the required quantity of licences to the software. Transponder licences are needed in the software for the activation of new transponders.
For use in the systems: eLOCK eXpert, eLOCK eXpress

Client tag
Transponder as a backup medium for activating and configuring a new locking system. Also used for backing up the locking system identifier, which, in the case of data loss from the locking system software, authorises a factory reset to be carried out on the terminal devices and transponders.
For use in the system: eLOCK eXpert

Security set: Security card and backup tag
Security card: Activation and releasing of the door components as well as coding the OPERTS eLOCK eXpress software during commissioning. Optional additional backup to enable the programming and modification of door components.
Backup tag: For backing up the locking system identifier. If the Security card is lost, this facilitates the ordering of a replacement.
For use in the system: eLOCK eXpress

eLOCK EM programming station
For programming eLOCK EM transponders. The programming station is connected to a PC over a USB interface and is controlled by the eLOCK Center software. eLOCK EM transponders are simply placed on the station for programming or for reading out.
For use in the system: eLOCK EM